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Archives and Special Collections

Puffins in Audubon book

十大网赌平台档案和特别收藏在罗伯特H. Goddard Library is the repository for approximately 7,000 linear feet of rare books, manuscripts, University records, historical photographs and ephemera, Clark theses and dissertations, and other materials. 此外,我们在网上有大量独特的数字材料.

Visit Archives and Special Collections for information about collections, finding aids, access to digital collections, visitor information, and policies. Contact for additional information or view our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Gems from the Archives

十大平台网赌的档案和特别收藏收藏了大约7000英尺的材料. 从书籍和文物到手稿和论文, 这些藏品捕捉了十大平台网赌的精髓及其历史.
Clark University basketball team
Clark Jonas Hall
Clark classroom in thte 50s - 60s
old corner store, now the site of Annie's Clark brunch
Buzz Aldrin signed book
old Clark University library (now Jefferson Hall)
“旧图书馆”(现在的杰斐逊学术中心)在罗伯特H. Goddard Library in 1969. 位于主街上的主要入口现在被封锁了.
Seneca book of philosophy
Robert Goddard mini book
The miniature autobiography of Robert H. Goddard, printed and bound in Worcester in 1966.
The Clark pep band
The Clark Pep Band performs a tune in the gymnasium.
Clark University book of hours
The Book of Hours, 1423.
Clark psychology department in 1914
A view from the Psychology Department at Clark in 1914. 它是校园里最古老的系之一,由大学的第一任校长G. Stanley Hall.
Phillis Wheatley book of poems
“Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral,这是18世纪非裔美国诗人菲利斯·惠特利·彼得斯罕见的第一版诗集.
Albert A. Michelson's interferometer
Clark Physics Professor Albert A. Michelson’s interferometer. 1907年,迈克尔逊成为第一位获得诺贝尔科学奖的美国人.
clark students playing tug of war across crystal pond
十大网赌平台的学生过去常常参加一年一度的水晶池塘拔河比赛. The tradition began in 1909; the photo collage above is from 26 years later, 1935.
Robert Goddard rocket patent
In 1914, 罗伯特·戈达德获得了他最初的两项火箭装置专利:液体燃料枪火箭和多级阶梯火箭.

Frequently Asked Questions

档案和特别收藏以及珍本室位于戈达德图书馆的一楼, off the Academic Commons.

不,你需要使用档案馆或珍本阅览室的资料. 我们的材料不流通,但我们能够将一些材料数字化,并通过我们的网站提供.

Yes. as long as you do not use a flash.

我们不允许向其他人展示一个还活着的人的记录. If the person you are interested in has died, we would need to see some record of that, like an obituary, before showing the materials.

We have most of them. Before the Archives were established in 1972, 所有的论文都在大学图书馆的流通馆藏中, and some were borrowed and never returned. Because the University has only this one copy, we do not lend out master’s or doctoral theses, and they must be used on site. We also digitize theses and dissertations, when feasible.

Libbey Slide Collection

Picture of Libbey

In 1928, Clark University was given the library of Dr. William Libbey, 普林斯顿大学自然地理学教授兼地质考古博物馆馆长. 礼物中包括14000个可以追溯到1860年到1910年的灯笼幻灯片.

该系列包括商业套装和个人原始照片. 它包括100个系列的幻灯片,每个都涉及一个特定的主题, state, 或国家-代表了19世纪末和20世纪初全球许多地区的地理和人民的显著横截面.

About Lantern Slides

Lantern slides, 现代硬纸板或塑料幻灯片的前身, consist of two small glass plates. 一块板上涂有一层乳剂,当暴露在光线下时可以捕捉图像, 在第一块玻璃板上放置第二块玻璃板以保护乳剂. A cutout border, usually of black paper, 放在玻璃板之间作为画框. The glass plates are sealed together with black tape. 用来照亮幻灯片的投影仪被称为“魔灯”——因此有了“幻灯”这个词.”

尽管在1839年之前,魔术灯笼被用来投射透明的图画, 直到1850年,美国才制造出玻璃照相玻片. 它们成为一种常见的家庭娱乐形式,到1900年达到了最受欢迎的程度. 直到20世纪20年代末到30年代中期,35毫米胶片和相机才被广泛使用.

一般来说,幻灯片是黑白的,但它们可以用透明的油手工上色. 它们通常是商业生产的,通常由购买照片版权的眼镜商出售, reproduced them as lantern slides, and sold them either singly or in sets. Descriptive booklets were often included with the sets. 许多摄影先驱都以这种方式复制他们的照片.

The Libbey Slide Collection

Doctor William Libbey

利比在普林斯顿大学读本科时对摄影产生了兴趣,并在他的一生中进行了多次探险. Many of those travels are documented in his collection. The series housed at Clark includes photographs from:

  • An 1877 Princeton scientific expedition to Utah.
  • 1878年在科罗拉多州丹佛市附近观看日食的探险队.
  • An 1886 expedition organized by the New York Times to climb Mt. St. Elias in Alaska alongside Lt. Frederick Schwatka. 这个系列包括在雅库特湾的雅库特印第安人的照片.
  • 1894 and 1899 Peary Expeditions to Greenland.
  • 1902年对约旦的探险,利比与人合著了他最著名的出版物, The Jordan Valley and Petra.
  • A 1908 expedition to Yellowstone Park.

There are currently approximately 20,十大网赌平台地图图书馆收藏了5000张玻璃幻灯片. In addition to the 14,000 from Libbey’s personal collection, 6,1985年又从十大网赌平台地理研究生院收购了000多件.

Contact Information

Robert H. Goddard Library

Office Location